| Nr. |
Tekst |
99999.001 |
Calendula Fiesta Gitana mixed
99999.002 |
single yellow - type Sunspot dwarf
99999.003 |
Vinca Little Linda deep rose
99999.004 |
Cucumber Marketmore
99999.005 |
Wildflower mixture
99999.006 |
Swiss Chard - Snijbiet Bright Lights
99999.007 |
Viola wittrockiana Swiss Giants - Zwitserse Reuzen
99999.008 |
Savoy Cabbage Winterkoning (Ormskirk)
99999.009 |
Koolraap Invitation
99999.010 |
Holy Basil roodbladig
99999.011 |
Tomaat Moneymaker
99999.012 |
Viola wittrockiana Swiss Giants - Zwitserse Reuzen
99999.013 |
Papaver rhoeas Falling in Love
99999.014 |
Pluksla Amerikaanse roodrand
99999.015 |
Callistephus chinensis double flowered Biedermeier salmon rose
99999.016 |
Miniature zonnebloem - deep yellow with black centre
99999.017 |
Salvia Little Red Riding Hood - Roodkapje
99999.018 |
Viola wittrockiana Swiss Giants - Zwitserse Reuzen
99999.019 |
Sunflower Teddy Bear
99999.020 |
Kleurrijk snijbloemenmengsel
99999.021 |
Lavatera Mont Blanc
99999.022 |
Nemesia Triumph mixed
99999.023 |
Lavatera Loveliness rose pink
99999.024 |
Sweet pea Little Sweetheart mixed
99999.025 |
Lobularia Magic circle mixed
99999.026 |
Zinnia Dream Rosy lavender
99999.027 |
Cut-flowers annual mixed
99999.028 |
Duizendschoon tall single mixed
99999.029 |
Lychnis chalcedonica Brandende Liefde
99999.030 |
Afrikaantje Sunset Giants mixed
99999.031 |
Calendula Fiesta Gitana mixed
99999.032 |
Gypsophila elegans Covent Garden white
99999.033 |
Bush Beans Yin-Yang
99999.034 |
Sweet pea Royal Family mixed
99999.035 |
Valerian - Valeriaan
99999.036 |
Graszaad - Italiaans raaigras
99999.037 |
Brandende Liefde
99999.038 |
Papaver rhoeas Falling in Love
99999.039 |
Viola wittrockiana Love Duet
99999.040 |
African Marigold Man on the Moon
99999.041 |
Tomato Oxheart - Coeur de Boeuf
99999.042 |
Viola wittrockiana Romeo and Julliet
99999.043 |
Madeliefje - (enkel wit)
99999.044 |
Pluksla Prize head
99999.045 |
Angel wings mixed
99999.046 |
Sunflower Teddy Bear (Sungold dwarf double)
99999.047 |
Watermeloen Sugar Baby
99999.048 |
Vinca rosea First Kiss Blush
99999.049 |
Forget-me-not Royal indigo blue
99999.050 |
Callistephus chinensis double flowered Biedermeier salmon rose
99999.051 |
Zeer fijne potbasilicum
99999.052 |
Japanese flower carpet mixed
99999.053 |
Reuzen zonnebloem - 250 cm
99999.054 |
99999.055 |
Borecole - Boerenkool Westlandse Herfst
99999.056 |
99999.057 |
Wildflower mixture
99999.058 |
Nigella Transformer
99999.059 |
Black eyed Susan - Suzanne met de mooie ogen
99999.060 |
Brandende Liefde
99999.061 |
African Marigold Smiles - golden yellow
99999.062 |
Butterfly mixture
99999.063 |
Papaver rhoeas Mother of Pearl
99999.064 |
Coleus Rainbow mixed
99999.065 |
Slaapmutsje enkel gemengd
99999.066 |
Nasturtium double Gleam hybrids mixed
99999.067 |
Sunflower Musicbox mixed
99999.068 |
Tulip Poppy - Tulp papaver
99999.069 |
Cosmea Daydream
99999.070 |
Stamslabonen Maxi
99999.071 |
Rudbeckia My Joy
99999.072 |
Butterfly mixture